Essay Manuals

Creating A Brain Drain Problem Solution Essay: Helpful Strategies

Writing an essay is one of the most assigned academic tasks students have to complete during their school years. Individuals have different approaches and styles of writing their papers depending upon their preferences and writing styles. Some students start with writing the body first and then move to the research for gathering relevant information. Majority of the students would perform search, organize their data, and create an outline first so that they have enough information to write their paper. Another approach for students is to create the paper first and then rephrase the introduction to match the conclusion and the body of their paper.

A brain drain is the terminology that means emigration of a batch of educated and well-qualified professionals from a certain location to a new country due to better pays, conditions or anything, which leaves the original location absent of these intelligent brains. Such situation often arises in less developed or developing economies when high qualified and intelligent professionals leave the country for a better job and go abroad. This becomes a trend because every person wants to live a better life and follows the trails of seniors. It can be a critical situation because then the country has less or very few skilled resources regardless of educating many. In order to solve this problem, many countries take steps to improve the living standards, life security, employment conditions, and better planning for their families. The steps have to be taken at state or government level so that they are effective and implemented with efficiency.

If you are to write an essay about this situation then the major task is done for you because you have the problem to address already. You do not have to worry about thinking of a niche or choosing a unique topic because this is already assigned to you. Now what you can do in order to stay unique and create an original assignment is to think of a unique solution and address the problem in a unique manner

To be able to create an effective problem solution, you should sit in a quiet corner and brainstorm for possible solutions. Create a list of everything that comes to your mind without thinking about the logical aspect. You can edit and rephrase the list later in the elimination process when you delete irrelevant ideas

Write your paper when you have an effective solution and use valid information to support your stance

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