As one progresses into more complex assignments in education, it often becomes necessary to submit proposals that the student uses to outline their intentions for an assignment. The proposal accomplishes several things from the instructor’s point of view:
In order to write an essay proposal that clearly demonstrates their point and will be approved by the instructor, students can use the following tips:
If a proposal has been assigned, the instructor has included very specific instructions regarding the format that they expect the student to follow. The student should follow this format precisely, and should use this format in creating an outline for their proposal, which will be discussed in detail below.
This is the most important part of ensuring that the student expresses their intentions clearly. If there is not a clear thesis statement, it will be difficult or impossible to formulate the rest of the proposal in such a manner that the instructor will approve it.
The proposal should consist of a number of sections. These will vary according to the field of study and the instructor’s preferences. However, there is likely to be an introduction, a summary or abstract, a problem statement, and a methodology section. The introduction will contain background on the topic and perhaps the student’s reason for choosing it. The summary will go over what the student knows of the topic and include a brief outline of their intentions for the essay. The problem statement will include their thesis and the questions it answers. Finally, the methodology will explain how the student intends to research the topic to support their thesis statement.
Once the outline is complete, the student will write out the proposal, carefully following their outline and the professor’s instructions. A proposal should follow the given format carefully in order to avoid redundancy that could confuse the reader.
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